Our Vision

We aim to reach and equip people through healthy churches, impact local communities with vibrant leadership and strategic evangelism, and to send and support missionaries within the USA and abroad.

The Central District / Distrito Central is a network of over 140 churches within the States of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Montana. Our churches offer English, Spanish, or bi-lingual ministry. We are not limited by language, as we believe that every church is to reach all of the people of its community.

Our Mission

  1. To provide leadership resource and empower local church pastors to build leaders.
  2. To strengthen church multiplication through church planting. (Spanish or English)
  3. To make an impact within the USA and the world through missions, supporting and the sending of workers.
  4. To fulfill the Great Commission by preaching the message of Jesus Christ.
  5. To challenge every church to plant a new church throughout the district.