Worship Ministry

Carlos Dominguez was born in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. He is married to Viridiana and they have two beautiful daughters. Carlos has always been passionate for music and at the age of twelve, he took his first guitar lesson at Iglesia Maranatha in Denver Colorado. Months later, he joined the worship team and continued to grow as a musician. As the church expanded, he became the worship leader at Maranatha’s new location in Commerce City. He has been serving in the worship ministry for several years and has learned the impact and importance worship has to the church. As the District Worship Director, Carlos’ goal is to serve in assisting churches and their musicians, building enduring worship teams that will enrich the type of worship God is looking for. His hope is that God is glorified through what he does and to never lose sight of the reason why we worship.

Carlos Dominguez nació en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Está casado con Viridiana y tienen dos hijas hermosas. Carlos siempre ha tenido una pasión por la música. A la edad de doce años tomo sus primeras clases de guitarra en la Iglesia Maranatha en Denver Colorado. Meses después, formo parte del grupo de alabanza y comenzó a crecer musicalmente. La iglesia se expandió y Carlos se convirtió en el líder de alabanza en la nueva locación de Maranatha Commerce City. Él ha servido en el ministerio de alabanza por muchos años y ha entendido la importancia e impacto que la alabanza tiene en la iglesia. La meta de Carlos ahora como Director de Alabanza del Distrito, es servir y asistir a las iglesias y sus músicos construyendo equipos de alabanza duraderos que enriquecerán el tipo de adoración que Dios esta buscando.

Carlos Dominguez | Worship Ministry Director